Order of data fetching / what we implement
- [x] getLocations (formerly getDataset) API request
- [x] Render markers, requires:
- array of locations
- [x] getConfig API request
- [x] Render search panel, requires:
- knowledge of filterable fields that need to be displayed (select box headings)
- translations for all fields (vocabs)
- list of possible values for each field (select box options)
- search box, doesn't need prior knowledge of any data
- [x] Render directory panel, requires:
- knowledge of the field to display (e.g. countries)
- list of possible values for 1 field (countries) and their translations
- [x] searchDataset API request (just indexes)
- [x] searchDataset API request (names too, paginated?)
- [x] Render results panel, requires:
- list of indexes & names of items matching the search, maybe paginated
- [x] getDatasetItem API request
- [x] Render popup, requires:
- full set of data for an item
- translations for all fields (vocabs)
- [ ] getAbout API request
- [ ] Render about panel, requires:
- content that describes a dataset